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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Toby (one of my poems)

Never has a dog loved me like Toby, whenever I have a cut Toby licks me like a mutt .
Lonely, sad, feeling useless, Toby fixes them all with her cute puppy face and slobbery lick.
Care, love, happiness, she shows them all, makes everyone cry with happiness, and have a smile like the glowing sun.
It will take you forever to measure Toby’s heart, she never bites she never growls but even if she does the heart only counts.
I will never leave her under any circumstances because she’s all I ever wanted!
I started loving her from the start and hopefully till the end. I love you Toby.

Who's a Good Doggy?

1 comment:

  1. Granma says: Toby in a nutshell! Very nice poem. Love you Toby, Love you Johnny!
