When you travel to London or New York the first thing that comes to mind is broadway shows.
I had no idea that a broadway show can go on and continue every day for more than 10 years. And it seems that in every show all of the seats are full. It is a miracle to get good seats since some of the seats the view of the stage is half covered. We decided to watch Billy Eliot, and it was an amazing performance indeed and it was almost not true. But the hardest part of watching a broadway show is finding good seats. And my mom did an amazing job on finding them. The show was just spectacular and one of a kind. Plus, the boy who was acting the roll of Billy Eliot was extremely talented. For example how can a boy flip in the air (with a string) then continue dancing without being dizzy. See, the whole thing was not only amazing, it was amazing times a hundred. I totally recommend this broadway show if you intend to travel to London or New York.
Sounds like you had fun. Would have made me dizzy just watching it! See you soon in Beirut! Love,Grandma