Beirut is usually referred to "a bad place to go bicycling". But the new park disproves that saying. Of course if you go bicycling there you won't see trees and benches, it is just for bicycling. Over the weekend I went to that park to bicycle, the road (in the park) was sooo long, that it would take you about 1 hour to go around the whole road 1 time! But that is the best part! It was the first time I went bicycling in Lebanon, so it was really fun. The best thing was that there was a side (of the road) for walking and a side for bicycling and it was next to the beach. Still, if you want to hear about the negative side, here is a list of negative stuff: motorbikes were driving with the bicycles, I found a cat in the middle of the road and someone was about to run over it. Well I could write negatives all day but it was really fun!!
You seem to be a very positive boy. It may not be a park but it is probably better than nothing. I enjoy learning about Beirut from you!! Keep it up!!