We wanted to do something other than staying home and our dogs really needed some exercise. So we decided to take the dogs with us and go to a path leading to a camp called Eco Village. Eco Village has small huts that you sleep in, a farm and a river. The houses over there are made out of logs and sticks. I never knew that the path would stay the same as it was a year ago. I thought it was going to be full of bullets and dead trees. But it was full of life. Our dogs enjoyed walking there so much, because it was full of different smells and they love walking. On the right side of the path there was a small pond. Trying to keep our dog “Shadow” away from the pond was a challenge. She loves swimming more than anything.
Hi Johnny! Wow - what a great place! You write so well, I am really proud of you. Lots of love and kisses - we miss you soooooo much. INA