Dubai is definately my favorite city ever, I know that everything there is artificial but it is still an awesome place for tourists. Dubai is the vacation target for those living in the Middle East. Now, I am starting to wonder why we travel to far places like the Maldives or the Bahamas, when we just could go to Dubai. We stayed at a hotel called 'Dar Al Masyaf ' which is in the 'Jumairah Resort'. The best thing is that a famous water park called 'Wild Wadi' is in the resort. The resort has a long canal going through it so to get to the other places in the resort you can go by boat. In the resort there are shops and resturants. The whole resort is full of birds! When we checked in to the hotel, they did not welcome us well. First they said our room was not ready yet, so they gave us a free lunch at one of their restaurants. Then, after we finished eating, we found out that the room was STILL not ready yet and we needed to wait another hour but we all lost our patience. We were just so upset with the delay so we went to the Dubai Mall and came back to find our room ready. The next day the manager of the hotel sent us an apology note with cookies and three stuffed animals in the shape of camels. We forgave them and forgot about it. Other than that, the hotel was amazing.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Missing Duck
We have a garden in Jieh where we have chicken, koi fish (in a pond) and now we got two ducks! They love swiming in the pond. One afternoon, we went to the garden and had lunch with my mom's friends. We brought our two dogs with us (Shadow and Toby)and we went to have lunch, leaving Shadow swimming with the DUCKS. Shadow is a calm dog and we did not expect her to eat or hurt the ducks. When we came back to the pond, we only saw one of the ducks full of mud on it's white feathers. The other one was missing. Shadow was still in the pond panting like crazy. We were really upset because about 20 minutes ago we were excited to have ducks in our pond. Then we continued to eat not letting Shadow in the pond anymore. Suddenly the other duck appeared from nowhere. We still do not know where it came from or what happened to it!
We are going to Dubai soon for vacation! It is REALLY DIFFERENT THAN LEBANON. This is all in Downtown (in Lebanon):
Downtown is known for it's shops.
It is know for it's old architecture.
It is know for it's ruins.'
Saturday, November 13, 2010
In the Beqqa Valley there is a big monastary. It is twice as big as the university ( A.U.B ). Getting there was unbelievable! We probally passed 20 trucks, because the road to the Beqaa valley is also the road to Syria. But it was all worth it, as you can see in theese two pictures. The place was like a little farm. They had cows and calfs that were adorable. I opened my eyes breathing in the refreshing breath of nature. Then I suddenly realized that this was not a dream. It looked like Sweden, it was amazing.
Then we saw a horse, we asked one of the guys passing "do you give horseback riding lessons here"? He answered "yes", so we decided to try and ride the friendly horse. The horse was gentle and absolutely calm. I realized that for sure we will be coming back. We went into the stall and saw them milking the cows. Then we saw rabbits in a huge cage and birds in another huge
cage too. Then we headed off to eat in a restaurant full of Lebaneese food and foreigners. After we ate, we went to a lake in the monastary. It was full of ducks and swans. Directly one of our dogs named Shadow jumped into the lake, scaring all the ducks away. The lake was very big but that is not it's maximuim size. When it rains the whole lake get's filled with fresh water. When we came back to Beirut, I was sad.... my dream was over.
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Path to Nature

We wanted to do something other than staying home and our dogs really needed some exercise. So we decided to take the dogs with us and go to a path leading to a camp called Eco Village. Eco Village has small huts that you sleep in, a farm and a river. The houses over there are made out of logs and sticks. I never knew that the path would stay the same as it was a year ago. I thought it was going to be full of bullets and dead trees. But it was full of life. Our dogs enjoyed walking there so much, because it was full of different smells and they love walking. On the right side of the path there was a small pond. Trying to keep our dog “Shadow” away from the pond was a challenge. She loves swimming more than anything.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Only Park
Sometimes I feel like I want to go somewhere instead of staying ho
me all day especially on Sundays! That's why parks exist. Beirut has no parks, well there are some parks but they are really small. Beirut finally found space to build a park. This park is not finished yet but it's open. It's mostly for riding your bike; they built part of the park on the sea. I thought it was going to be small like the other parks but it was huge. It's perfect for running and bicycling. I wish they let dogs in the park, it would have been perfect for our dogs to run around and have fun. They still have to finalize it by adding grass and more benches. Well it’s still nothing like the parks in America!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Cape Greco
Fig Tree Bay

This summer we went to Cyprus with our cousins who live in Sweden, where it's freezing! It was humid in Cyprus but in Lebanon it's even more humid so we were used to it! In Cyprus, every day we went to the beach, it was super fun! We went to a famous beach called Fig Tree Bay. The beach was really beautiful... While snorkeling there, we saw lots of colorful fish, and tons of hermit crabs under the sea; it was amazing!!!! We went on an inflatable sofa being pulled by a boat; it was called The Crazy UFO. The boat was going super fast, it was a fun and bumpy ride! We even went water skiing for the second time ever! Fig Tree Bay is the best beach ever!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hamra Festival Parade
A lot of people go to places like Downtown and the Corniche in Lebanon. There is a small street in Beirut called Hamra. People decided to make a festival for Hamra. That includes a big parade and much more stuff like concerts! We went to watch the parade. I thought it was like the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, but it was not. It was fun but putting a limping horse with a bleeding leg in the parade was just shame! But it was cool and fun with the punchbuggies and Harley motorbikes. There were also cars with figures on them. At the beginning we watched a show including clowns fooling around on the street. It was a good idea to have a festival; I'm sure it will make Hamra more popular. Even the Lebanese army came to play Lebanon’s Anthem! At the end there was an amazing fireworks show that amazed us!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
My mom found this puppy sitting on a pile of garbage. She bought some hotdogs to feed him because he was starving. He looked so cute so she just couldn’t leave him. Taking him to the vet seemed like the best thing to do so she took him in the car with her. He vomited hotdogs all over her car. That’s when she called us to help her. We cleaned the car and put him in a cage and took him to the vet. The vet put him in a big cage in the clinic. We named him Bingo. Later were gonna need someone to adopt him. It looks like he’s gonna find a home pretty soon!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Visiting Our New Summer House
This holiday in Sweden we were in our new house in a village called Rottvet. It was exiting but kind of depressing because the people who were living in the house before left a grave in the garden of their old cat. They even left a map of where they've traveled to (they've been to Lebanon). Our house was next to a forest, there was a big rock quarry for the village people! It was freezing but we did not care. We loved going around the quarry in a plastic boat! But the quarry was in the forest! It was full of frogs and HUGE rocks Bergassa (our house) was full of goose berries and red berries. We would stay there eating them for hours avoiding lunch! We loved the house!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Mika's Concert
Live or not Mika is amazing, it's not just one song from him that is nice. All of his songs are great!!! Some artists just sing for the sake of geting money but Mika enjoys singing every single song he makes! When we arrived at the concert (in Baalbeck) we had to wait 1 hour for everyone to come and sit down, but it was worth it. Then the lightsstarted flashing and then Mika suddenly apeared on the stage! It started late and ended very late and nobody even closed their eyes! After each song Mika would talk about the song that he will sing next. He even tried to speak arabic!! He is a really funny guy! Every minute somebody would jump on the stage and try to touch Mika! So the bouncer's had a lot of work!
Mika said that it was his second time at the Baalbeck Festival. The first time was when Mika was 15 and he went to watch Sting's concert! At the end the orginizers started to throw the pillows on the chair and everyone copied them! So the stage was filled with pillows but Mika had fun throwing the pillows back at the crew and the audience. At the end Mika said that he loved Lebanon! You have to agree... Mika is amazing!
We took an exhausting 1 hour drive to Zahle planning to sleep in Zahle for one night. We got tickets to the Mika Concert in Baalbek that starts at 8:00pm and Baalbek is close to Zahle. Because it is not that smart to just go to the Concert at 8:00pm and go back home at 11:00pm! Meanwhile, we could enjoy Zahle before the Concert! We went to a church with a tower in Zahle, so we could see the whole town of Zahle from far! The view is nice but I didn't enjoy walking up the stairs to get to the top of the tower!
Then we went straight to the river. It didn’t really look like a river. It looked like a canal. Around the river there were arcades, restaurants and stores! It was amazing, but the river was not that clean! Then we went to one of the restaurants near the river! The food was good but I didn’t enjoy it because I couldn't wait to go to the Mika Concert! I will tell you all about the Mika Concert in another post! The only thing I will say about the Mika Concert is that I was amazed!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Unexpected Disaster
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Bezantine Church
This time, during my adventourous weekend, we visited the Bezantine Church in Jieh, where you can find the mosaic of the story about Jonas. This historical ruin dating from 800 years ago, is now wrecked. But instead of taking care of the church, the Lebanese authorites kept on blaming the responsibilities on others. If this ruin was in any other country, it would be clean, and full of tourists. But the ruin was nice. Before all of this, we were in a beach called Jonas, named after the prophet Jonas. For crabs, Saturday is always like a holiday. They were spread all around the beach. The waves were huge, throwing me off my boogie board.
Written by
Saturday, May 29, 2010
tourist place bizantine church

Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Scar of Memories
"A dog in a pound is sad and is sitting in the corner of the room, with other dogs running, playing and even more, so which dog should I pick to try and convince my family?" I thought, "Which dog needs me the most?" Then I froze and noticed a dog staring at me. I looked at the dog hopelessly. I did not blink when my eyes noticed a huge scar spread across the dogs leg. A thought crossed my mind, and I imagined myself saying ,"I am so relieved that I chose this dog", while holding a dog tightly in my arms. But the picture of the dog in my imagination was unclear and blurry. Then I took another look at the dog. I made up my mind. I ran franticaly to my family. They saw the dog. Before we knew it we were driving back home with a black cute dog. The decision was not final with regard to keeping the dog. It was to my family, but to me, never. My family had chosen to keep the dog until we had the chance to send it to the United States to find a better home. We called the dog "Shadow". As months and months passed we kept Shadow. Then as a family we agreed to keep Shadow forever. Shadow is a great dog. But her scar still remains, giving me memories.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Lebanon is...
In the Maldives I always heard my dad say: "I saw this before in Lebanon!" while we're staring at a tropical fish. But then, if there are tropical fish in Lebanon, why did we go all the way to the Maldives!! Well, there are sting rays in Lebanon, but tropical fish, no way! I never knew that there are dolphins and turtles in Lebanon until I got on a boat and I saw dolphins and turtles with my own eyes. It was unbelievable! It is hard to find dolphins in Lebanon. All those wonderful creatures hide in the Mediterranean waters. The water was so clear, I felt like I was in the Maldives. To me it is impossible to not swim when I see clear, clean water. Lebanon is now worth gold to me! This is where I belong! The best thing about Lebanon is that the mountains are close to the sea!! Lebanon is changing in a good way!! Press here to see a close up of the water. Lebanon is beautiful!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Back to Lebanon's Beauty
We went to a place in Lebanon called "Debiyye". We all hated it except my father! But now I got tricked without knowing by my father. He took me to an amazing river, it was also in "Debiyye"! I was surprised because last time we went to "Debiyye", I hated it, but now I like "Debiyye", just because of that trick! The river is super clean, with crabs, frogs, toads and fish!
We were taking a risk, going down the bumpy mountain to find a path to the clean river! I fell a billion times and hurt myself, but it was worth it!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Now, my hamster is dead. I have all of the sad memories locked in my head, that I will never forget. Now we already designed my hamster's coffin, full of hearts and phrases like: " I will always love you". I really wish we found out he was sick a long time ago, because it was too late to save his life. But being in heaven, resting peacefuly is better than suffering the rest of your life. There is not much I can say other than, "I miss my hamster".
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Death is On it's Way
Death again is gonna be roaming around my life. People say that animals are like furniture, but all I do is walk away and not listen to them. Now my poor cute hamster is suffering from a disease called "wet tail". My biggest hope is for my hamster to manage this dreadful disease. My biggest wonder is how did my poor hamster catch that disease! I'm really gonna miss him when he dies, I already miss him now because I am not allowed to see him because he gets very nervous and might die. What did my hamster do wrong! I feel really sad. So I guess the next time I see him he will be buried in soil and with flowers on top.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Chef skills
My housekeeper has great cooking ta
lent! Since we sent her to learn how to cook at a cooking school she is cooking up a storm in the kitchen. She goes every Tuesday and Thursday to the class! The meals she makes are now... I can barely find a word to describe them.....delicious and spectacular. Now she can even quit her job and work as a chef in a restaurant! I am not kidding, I really think she is an amazing cook! She is now cooking stuff that I have never seen before! When I come back from school I always have a big meal that I enjoy! The picture above is of a meal called Pizzeta. If you want the ingredeints of this meal press here.

Monday, May 3, 2010
The Fox

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Battlefield (one of my poems)
War, blood, death, winning, loosing, getting revenge.
Everybody crossing their fingers, everybody wishing they had never started the fight.
The end of your life, the second you start.
Worrying, hoping, and wishing that the bloody situation would stop. Your whole life is in your hands.
Nothing you can do but take one last breath before your whole life ends.
There will be only one winner in a war, but who will it be?
The feeling that you are going to die……...
Just, bloody Battlefield
Everybody crossing their fingers, everybody wishing they had never started the fight.
The end of your life, the second you start.
Worrying, hoping, and wishing that the bloody situation would stop. Your whole life is in your hands.
Nothing you can do but take one last breath before your whole life ends.
There will be only one winner in a war, but who will it be?
The feeling that you are going to die……...
Just, bloody Battlefield
Toby (one of my poems)
Never has a dog loved me like Toby, whenever I have a cut Toby licks me like a mutt .
Lonely, sad, feeling useless, Toby fixes them all with her cute puppy face and slobbery lick.
Care, love, happiness, she shows them all, makes everyone cry with happiness, and have a smile like the glowing sun.
It will take you forever to measure Toby’s heart, she never bites she never growls but even if she does the heart only counts.
I will never leave her under any circumstances because she’s all I ever wanted!
I started loving her from the start and hopefully till the end. I love you Toby.
Who's a Good Doggy?
Lonely, sad, feeling useless, Toby fixes them all with her cute puppy face and slobbery lick.
Care, love, happiness, she shows them all, makes everyone cry with happiness, and have a smile like the glowing sun.
It will take you forever to measure Toby’s heart, she never bites she never growls but even if she does the heart only counts.
I will never leave her under any circumstances because she’s all I ever wanted!
I started loving her from the start and hopefully till the end. I love you Toby.
Who's a Good Doggy?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Gone (one of my poems)
“Gone”, that word whispers to me when it’s time to sleep, No reversing, he’s gone.
Makes me cry when I think about him, his soul, stuck in heaven.
He suffered, he did not manage his pain, but it does not matter anymore cause he’s gone.
Barely got to see him when he was alive and now I can never see him again. His words whisper to me when I’m asleep, make me feel sad, make me feel like crying.
Grandpa Joe, you are gone and nothing can be done, but you will always be in my heart. I will always love you, Grandpa Joe.
Your grandson, Johnny.
Dedicated to my Grandpa,who died from Cancer.
Makes me cry when I think about him, his soul, stuck in heaven.
He suffered, he did not manage his pain, but it does not matter anymore cause he’s gone.
Barely got to see him when he was alive and now I can never see him again. His words whisper to me when I’m asleep, make me feel sad, make me feel like crying.
Grandpa Joe, you are gone and nothing can be done, but you will always be in my heart. I will always love you, Grandpa Joe.
Your grandson, Johnny.
Dedicated to my Grandpa,who died from Cancer.
The Test (one of my poems)
Oh, no! A test, panic in my chest!
Got my fingers crossed, sitting at my desk.
Well, I should not panic, I should just review the test and do my best…..
Okay so what is one billion divided by one thousand. Oh no I forgot!!
What should I do, should I cheat, listen to the beat going on in my head that is saying “Ahhh! I’ll fail!”
Or listen to the other beat in my head saying “Don’t panic, just try your best” So frustrated, so nervous, so, so, so, so…… I’ll fail!
So guess what, I got an A+ on my test, amazed at how smart I am!
Yes!!! I’m a genius after all…..!
Got my fingers crossed, sitting at my desk.
Well, I should not panic, I should just review the test and do my best…..
Okay so what is one billion divided by one thousand. Oh no I forgot!!
What should I do, should I cheat, listen to the beat going on in my head that is saying “Ahhh! I’ll fail!”
Or listen to the other beat in my head saying “Don’t panic, just try your best” So frustrated, so nervous, so, so, so, so…… I’ll fail!
So guess what, I got an A+ on my test, amazed at how smart I am!
Yes!!! I’m a genius after all…..!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Animal Rights

Some people take animals from Africa and other places for zoos and circuses. But really, do you think it is nice to be tooken from your house and then dumped in a huge cage or to be forced to do something and to be starving! Also, sometimes they kill the animal's mother when they capture the animal from the wild! I wish someone would go up live on stage and tell everybody that animals are just like us; they have the right to be free. I really hate circuses and zoos cause all they do is torture animals for human entertainment! Animals are creatures like us and they have every right you could think of, like us! My only wish is for all animals to have freedom!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Osaka Restaurant
Now look what's next, Japanese food! It's been a long time since we have been to a Japanese restaurant! Sushi, spicy crispy tuna, edamami and more, all in Osaka! Now this food is not good, it is delicious! I also love the Japanese decorations all around Osaka! But I am mostly happy that Osaka is in Downtown (in Lebanon). Because Downtown is the best place to be in Lebanon! It is good to keep on visiting different restaurants with different kinds of food. Again, Ina don't worry we will take you to Osaka too when you come to Lebanon! Japanese food is my favorite kind of food!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Is My Dog a Fish?!
I have never seen a dog like Shadow who always swims. The second you take her to any place with a pond, lake, river or beach, she freaks out and jumps in to the water! Sometimes I think that she is a fish! But the amazing part is that Shadow does not mind to swim when there is a storm, when there is rain and not even when it is freezing! Now I wonder how Shadow always gets courage to jump in to the water because not every dog will just jump in to the water like Shadow! Shadow is soo active! But at the same time she is still enjoying it!
I used to only like restaurants with sushi or pizza but now I am finally enjoying a Lebanese restaurant! It is called Falamanki! But the food was the best part! My favorite dishes in Falamanki are " Tabouli" (Tabouli is a typical lebanese salad), "tormos" (lupini beans) and the meat (the meat is sooo good). All food in Falamanki is always good! But I wish that Falamanki would use glass cups instead of plastic cups. Because plastic is not good for the environment at all. If you are reading this Ina, don't worry we will take you there soon!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Julia's Easter Bunny
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Ramlet-Al- Baida
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I was so suprised when my class had a field trip to Amik in Lebanon. It was so beutiful! The second I steped out of the bus I was amazed. I did not feel like I was in Lebanon any more, it looked almost like the country side in Sweden! Before I expierenced this trip, I thought Lebanon was all about war, polution, garbage and big tall buildings, but now I realized it had rivers, lakes, some animals, and maybe more! But always remember to try to look at the positive side of anything, unlike I was! Here is a slideshow with pictures of Amik:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Shadow Plays Soccer
One day I was just kicking my ball all around the house. Then Shadow joined in getting ready for me to kick the ball to her. Shadow is such an active cute dog! But the only thing that she is doing wrong is using her mouth and teeth! She is s
o talented! Shadow could be included in a movie! But first Shadow kicks the ball then she bites it!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was such a great guy, I really am sad to hear that he died. He really cares about earth, and I think he would risk his life for earth. I think if he was still alive he would really do any thing to save Haiti from the huge earthquake. Alot of his songs are about earth like " Man In The Miror" to " Heal The World " to " The Earth Song" and mabe more. That is why I like him alot! I wish that he never died in the first place. But at the same time he will always be the king
of pop to me.
of pop to me.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Have you ever wondered if space ever ends?
Well here is the answer: The whole universe just started with an infinitely small point, then it started to expand. This stage is called the Big Bang, but this is just a theory but it is the most reasonable one. But now what is around the point?
Is there even life in outer space on one of the planets not including humans? Scientists found water in Titan so it should mean that there is life in Titan. Titan is one of Saturn's moon. But I bet if there really is life in Titan it would be microscopic. But it is a theory. So many theories and possibilities in space! It boggles the mind!!
Well here is the answer: The whole universe just started with an infinitely small point, then it started to expand. This stage is called the Big Bang, but this is just a theory but it is the most reasonable one. But now what is around the point?
Is there even life in outer space on one of the planets not including humans? Scientists found water in Titan so it should mean that there is life in Titan. Titan is one of Saturn's moon. But I bet if there really is life in Titan it would be microscopic. But it is a theory. So many theories and possibilities in space! It boggles the mind!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Does The Dog Really Love You?
Allot of people have dogs, dogs that run, play and fetch. But there is always 1 dog that loves you and really cares about you. But to get a dog to really love and care about you is kind of hard, but it is very easy with a dog like Toby. Toby's heart is huge! She is so loving and caring, because she is always following me , sometimes licking me (usually when a dog licks you, it is the sign of true love). Sometimes I feel like Toby is really talking to me. Once I tried to play dead and the second I lay pretending to be dead Toby started licking me, started to whine and looked very sad.
But Toby also is kind of an active dog to at the same time.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hi guys did you ever wonder how to make a video with a object moving with out the video showing your hand moving it. Well, today is your lucky day because that is what I am gonna talk to you about. So if you take a lot of pictures of the object and each time move it a little farther. It might take up to 100 photos. But you have to move the object carefully. If you want to see an example of an animation video watch The Rodent Chase above.
The Odds Of The World Ending In 2012
There are rumors that the world will end in 2012. That's almost impossible to believe...... Could all these earthquakes be trying to tell us something.... Will the world really end or not? But all of these people who say the world will end in 2012,they don't really have any evidence that it will happen. They are being inspired by the movie "2012". Many times in the past people have tried to predict the end of the Earth. None of these predictions came true. So do not go and worry about the world ending it is just a fake rumor.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Weird Caterpillar
We went out one day with our two dogs to play on the street near the school we study in ( the road was closed). For some silly reason we saw a caterpillar on the closed silent road ( well, it was silent until our dogs were barking and running around having fun, but I do not blame them because they have a right to have freedom). So we moved the caterpillar on to a leaf (so it does not get squashed by accident). It looked very weird to me, I have never seen a caterpillar like the one I saw. Sorry, if the caterpillar is hard to see in the picture; it's perfectly camouflaged!!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
A Walk in the Beach

Have you ever experienced the beauty of walking in the beach on the big rocks? Well, it is such a great place for socializing and when it is summer it is also a great place to swim. I am so happy that some people offered to clean the beach in the Cornich in Lebanon for free, it seems like they care allot about the environment. If Lebanon was full of these kinds of people, Lebanon would be like a paradise.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Un Fair

Why are some people suffering, and why are some people not?
Why are some people dead, and why are some people not?
Why are some people lucky and some people not?
The only answer to these questions is that..........
Life is Unfair
Thursday, March 11, 2010
New Toys

One of our dogs Shadow needed a new leash because her other one broke. So we went to a store to buy one. But instead of only coming home with one leash we ended up going home with the thing that cats scratch on, allot of hamster food and dog food, a free guinea pig house, Shadows leash, a dog toy for Shadow and maybe more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cats are very spoiled and did not even look at their toy, unlike our 2 dogs who loved their new toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Relax + Chill
I had to go home from school one day . Cause I had a headache. You might think it is a silly reason to go home but you are wrong. That headache made me so dizzy and I could not work at all. And my head was also hearting allot. So the only thing that was left to do was go home, relax, and chill. The minute I got to my house I jumped in my bed and slept with my two dogs Shadow and Toby and one of my cats. I was not the only one who was enjoying that short rest in my bed my dogs and cat were enjoying it to.
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hi guys. Each year in the long summer break we travel to Sweden to see our grandma and my cousins. When we travel to Sweden we always stay in our grandma's house. She has two houses , we stay in one of them. We bought a house in Sweden called Bergessa, so next time we travel to Sweden we will stay in our own new house. We chose Bergessa because it is next to a forest, next to a lake and has a big garden.
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